The International Leadership Consortium can provide collaborative academic programs, customized training for school leaders and faculty members, and short-term or log-term faculty members, for ILC network members. We will be happy to send you details about various types of membership available with ILC, and how you can join us.
Request Member InformationThe International Leadership Consortium offers many degree opportunities for developing leaders in all stages of life. Our objective is to assist you in holistic development for personal and societal impact.
Request Student InformationAs non-profit organizations, the International Leadership Consortium and its member institutions welcome you to join us as a financial and prayer partner,. We welcome the investment of the God-given gifts of our partners - their Leadership, Influence, Finances and Expertise (L.I.F.E.) - to help us develop global, transformative leaders.
Request Supporting Partner InformationThe International Leadership Consortium seeks faculty and staff of the highest character and professional skill. As non-profit organizations, our member institutions require that each ot their staff members recruits supporting partners to cover their personal salary. ILC provides excellent training and support for our staff as they develop and maintain their pool of supporting partners.
Request Faculty & Staff Information© International Leadership Consortium 2025