ILC's Mission is to maximize the contribution of member institutions in equipping leaders to build spiritual movements to transform society in all domains of society.
ILC's Vision is a growing network of leadership-development institutions spearheading Biblically-centered transformation in society.
ILC's Educational Core Values are
- Contextually demonstrated mastery
- Holistic development (character, philosophy, skills)
- Multiplying spiritual leadership
- Personal and societal impact
- Quality institutional leadershp and internal assessment processes
ILC's Educational Distinctives:
- Biblically grounded, culturally relevant programs using competency-based adult learning curricula in context.
- Integrated leadership formation involving theological, leadership, intercultural, educational and vocational studies to impact society.
- Faculty members who lead students through modeling, mentoring, coaching and relationship building
- Excellence in integration of academics and application (scholars who are practitioners and practitioners who are scholars)
- Effective cross-cultural ability
- Exposure to, training in and reinforcement of transferrable spiritual concepts to significantly impact the fulfillment of the Great Commission.